A world that works for you


IFTTT is the free way to get all your apps and devices talking to each other. Not everything on the internet plays nice, so we're on a mission to build a more connected world.

Applets bring your favorite services together to create new experiences with your smart home devivces. 

Over 600 apps work with IFTTT including Twitter, Telegram, Google Drive, Twitch, Weather Underground, Instagram, Gmail, and devices like Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Nest, Philips Hue, and other brand smart home devices.
Turn on Applets and:
  • Control everything around you with your voice and Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant
  • Stay safe with automated and intelligent home security alerts
  • Set your home thermostat to an optimal temperature when you arrive home
  • Set your light color as  per your Choice when arrive at home.
  • Trigger events of your connected  smart switches/Lights based on your current location.